Thursday, September 29, 2011

"No Negativity Aloud!"

As all of you are aware, I blog about my life as a server.  Some of my experiences are great, most are funny, and some are just plain bad.  The majority of the time I will be writing about my customers but, once in a while I will write about my coworkers.

A couple of posts back I wrote about Jessica and Jamie.  Jessica was the focus, as she will be today.

See, Jessica seems to have a monkey on her back these days.  When I first started she befriended me, which was great because most of the servers were really bitchy towards me and wouldn't give me the time of day.  Jessica was my savior.  She showed me the in's and outs on everything and helped me out a bunch when needed.  She was always so smiley and was very happy to help.  I appreciated that.

Recently, however, she has become a monster.  She comes to work mad, stays mad, and leaves mad.  Constantly complaining throughout her shift about why such and such got sat before her when she clearly was scheduled earlier, why so and so got an extra table when we are only aloud 3 at a time, why certain servers don't run drinks, or food, or do running side work.

Every time I walk into the kitchen I hear her complaining.  IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

Now, I am almost always in a great mood.  I wake up happy, go to work happy, leave happy, and go to bed happy.  That might not sound realistic to some, and I haven't always been that way.  Over the years though, I have learned patience.  I've learned to let most things roll off my back and to not the negative affect my person.  Don't get me wrong, I do have bad days just like everyone else, I have just learned to handle them in a different way.  I stay composed, smile, and try to kill them with kindness.  It works for me.

I wish I could teach this to Jessica.  She let's all of the little things bother her and she holds on to it for quite a long time.  She has turned into such a negative person and I'm not diggin it.  She doesn't enjoy her job anymore and I just want to tell her..."Instead of repeatedly saying you're gonna find a new job, do it because you're bringing me down and I don't like it!". 

I have slowly started to separate myself from her because I am afraid she might break my wall down and pull me into her negative world.  I hope she catches on and either changes her attitude or she will be losing a friend.

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