So, there's this girl I work with, Suzette. She's a cute girl. When she comes to work she always says hi to everyone with a smile. When she greets her tables she is very professional and always describes the specials in a way that makes your mouth water before you even try them. seems as though she suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Each and every shift she moseys on into the restaurant with a mouthful of "Hi's". As she makes her way to the back of the kitchen to get into uniform she goes through a transformation. Kind of like a super hero. Her entire person changes. She turns from positive to negative in a matter of seconds.
Throughout the night she walks around the kitchen barking orders. "We need glassware at the bar!". "Someone needs to shine spoons for deserts!". "Can someone empty the trash?!". "Food runners please!". "Does anyone in this place ever make coffee when they take the last of it?". "Who took the last glass and didn't remove the empty rack?". "Am I the only person that actually works in this place?".
No, no, and no! I swear she thinks that the restaurant would not function properly if she weren't there. No, she isn't the only person who actually does work. She's just the only one who complains about it. All night long we hear her scratchy voice complaining about this and complaining about that. Everyone hates it when she works.
One time she actually started crying, in the kitchen of course, because she felt that no one was doing any work except for her. Oh what a scene that was. She was crying so hard that she could barely speak and what was being spoken was just a tad short from screaming. She took it so personal.
My opinion, she needs to chill the "f" out!
She's a pothead, nothing wrong with that but, if you're gonna smoke before you come to work at least smoke enough to get you through your 3 hour shift. I'm tired of dealing with your attitude as you are coming down off your high. Your tirades aren't working, can't you tell.
For almost a year she has worked with me. Not one single shift has passed without her whaling about what's not being done. Nobody's listening! We're hearing but we don't care. Why? Well, it may surprise you but, when you aren't at work spoons get polished, glassware gets taken to the bar, trash gets emptied, food gets ran, coffee gets made, and empty glass racks get taken to the dish pit. The restaurant still makes money and isn't in jeopardy of closing it's doors because you didn't work that day. Our ability to keep our jobs does not depend on whether you are at work or not.
So, with that being said, Suzette, don't flatter yourself. We DO NOT miss you when you're gone!!
Nice post Terry! Good job on calling that bitch out. I hate working with people like Suzette who have such negative attitudes and horrible work ethics.