It's been another great week and I am loving every minute of it. We were a little slow however, but I worked with what I had.
I had a customer yesterday, a New Yorker, gosh I love these guys. I sometimes wish I had their accent. Sometimes when waiting on these fine Northerners I find myself mimicking a little accent but I don't think you can tell.
They were my last table of the night. Father, wife, and grown son. We talked a bunch which was nice. They showed me pictures of their pets. The son had a pet raccoon. He had found her when she was just a few weeks old. I found myself being dragged into a conversation of how smart and brave raccoons are and how big they get and so on.
Anyways, the point of my story today is about the father. He was kind of like joke guy with a little twist. He would order an item and then every time I brought him what he ordered he would tell me it was wrong. With a straight face he said " I didn't order a martini. I wanted Grey Goose, straight up, shaken well, with a little bit of olive juice, 3 olives, no vermouth, and in a martini glass." Sounded like a martini to me, right? That's how I kept referring to it. So he would go through his rundown each time I would bring him something, and say it was wrong. For a minute I thought I might have been going crazy or maybe my hearing was going. Idk.
He would laugh after each encounter but it still made me nervous. Of course I was laughing right a long with him. Secretly, I didn't care for the jokes at all. It made me feel like I was messing up(when I really wasn't) which caused me some anxiety. I pride myself on paying very close attention to details when customers order and I have 99.99999999% accuracy. This was kind of a tough table.
Needless to say, these customers enjoyed everything. We had some laughs and I tried my best to keep up and catch on. In the end it was worth it. The check was $144.73 and they left me $40 for a tip. I'd say I put on a pretty good front with this table...thanks joke guy(kind of) for making me feel anxious and then rewarding me for sticking it out:)
Good job! You played that table very well. Its always kind of a gamble with guests like that. You have to try and figure out which ones are going to actually pay you to put up with their shit!