So, after a week of being overcome by a bad case of the flu I was finally able to make it back to work. The night started out just like any other. A little slow at first, then a nice little rush, and then it was like a ghost town.
I was in an exceptionally great mood. There was, however, a moment when I thought I was going to have to let the other side of myself show it's ugly face. Which, by the way, very rarely is seen by others outside of my
I was scheduled to close, along with Jessica and Randy. Randy is a pretty good closer, comparable to me. He's laid back and doesn't really complain if someone happens to skip out on doing their tables or sidework before they leave. I'm the same way. We really don't mind the extra work as long as it isn't in excess. It's not a big deal to us. Jessica, on the other hand, is completely opposite. I think we all know the type. You know, the one's that watch everyone like a hawk and keeps a count on who does and does not do what they are supposed to do instead of worrying about themselves. Then they run to the manager at the end of every shift with their list and "snitch" on those who weren't "following the rules".
Now don't get me wrong. Jessica is my "at work" friend and she's pretty cool as long as we aren't talking about anything work related. Recently though, she has almost become unbearable to work with. On the night in question we emptied out pretty quickly and were down to closers 3.5 hours before closing time. I was pretty psyched because I knew if we got a little busy that could be extra cash in my pocket. This was not the case for Jessica. I guess she looked at it as this would mean she would be able to pay extra special attention to everyone so she could make sure they did all their work before they high tailed out of there. She zeroed in on one server in particular, Jamie.
A little background on Jamie. She's a GREAT server. She always has a smile on her face, and in her voice. She gets tons of requests, and I'm not exaggerating. She always does her running sidework, runs food constantly, and always follows the "full hands in", "full hands out", rule. She never skips out on her tables or silverware. She is always getting compliments on her service and has even received some really great letters from customers that have thought her service was exceptional. Only one negative, she's best friends with one the hostesses so her station ALWAYS stays full, but that's another subject. This one negative, however, is why Jessica always has one eye on her.
On this, very very slow night, Jessica had it out for Jamie from the beginning. Unfortunately for Jamie,she fell right into Jessica's trap. See, Jamie apparently didn't do any sidework before she left and Jessica was furious. Of course, Randy and I really weren't paying attention and really didn't care but Jessica made sure her voice was known. To us and to the MOD.
This is what bothers me. WHAT'S THE BIG F*%#ING DEAL?! It really gets under my skin these coworkers who just feel it is their duty to "keep an eye" on others and then run and tell, like a child. This isn't kindergarten and we are not 5 years old. "Oh, I'm sorry but I must have been absent on the day they promoted you to Manager". I'll tell you this, you're not gonna make too many friends either. And when that day comes, when you need someone to work for you or switch shifts with you, or maybe you just need a favor...well, let's just say sorry for your luck. Nobody likes a tattle tale.
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